Monday 11 May 2009

Intro potentially

Intro...and beginning of Part1 from N Nivreen on Vimeo.

The intro for Part 1

The title bit doesn't match it...needs to be different

Part 1: Losing memory: The accident

Part 2: First stage in regaining memory, small awakenings: Seeing the outside of the library deadened, entering the first doorway and encountering the growing corridor and looking at a book. In the bedroom, watching the flickering of the light and the fan in an abstract way. Initial blurry view of the bedroom

Part 3 : Entering the labyrinthine structure of the mind, unlocking all of the avenues that lead to one another: The pulling out of the scale part through the section drawing into the scale of the cosmos: In the bedroom, as the connections are being remade, the annomolies that occur because of them, hallucinating the bird woman. Memories coming back. The curtains blowing in the wind.

Part 4: Finale: Achieving consciousness and self awareness. Through the final door she finds herself in a great mirrored hall of the library where she sees herself. The transistion is from the reflection in her eye. The bedroom is more modern and brighter, the birdwoman is gone she rises and looks in the mirror. In the hall she looks up and sees the dome it merges into a fan

the end

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