Wednesday 10 June 2009

Hand in edit_1

Haecceity full edit_1 from N Nivreen on Vimeo.

Now to do it properly:


The Garden of Forking Paths:

  1. longer gap between opening and chapter title
  2. make the green of the title fade for a longer amount of time into the building, maybe tint the building green
  3. add heart beat to match the beating hearts
  4. adjust colour on hearts so it is more vibrant and not just pink DONE
  5. Add an extra layer of detail to the surrounds of the shelf scene. More tendrils
  6. Add a light flash or some other effect to signify new movement. Add sound effect to show this too.
  7. Jump the camera up the corridor in flashes, not just a normal zoom. So bits of the shelves are illuminated at points, faster and faster
  8. Make the door way at the end more vibrant aadd a stronger light and add more tendrils at the sides. Make the streaming light much more visible
  9. Pause on the shot of the door for a few moments before they open. DONE
  10. Slow down the opening and increase brightness and rays as they do. DONE
  11. Bleach to white with the light DONE
  12. Slow down the pan up the stairs and add breathing and footsteps sound. VISUAL DONE
  13. Make the colours more vibrant

Entering the Chiasmus:

  1. Decrease the gap between the chapters
  2. Add electrical burst noise and match with bursts of headache like blinding light at points.
  3. Match sound so the ominous noise only comes in as the hands come into view
  4. Add a light so the shadow on the scene is more pronounced
  5. Add memory shot in after hands
  6. Shorten shot of Emily's face at window
  7. Staccato the shot with light in timing with new music
  8. Zoom through layers of intial building back to Emily's face
  9. Change angle of zoom out so it appears oblique.
  10. Add electrical charges to image
  11. after blur electrical shock and then zoom to emily putting hand up
  12. get rid of existing cloud layer
  13. Zoom away from face at window through cloud...showing distance
  14. Clouds become green and blurry
  15. Electical charge in cloud blurs to bedroom blur of bird woman coming into focus
  16. Electrical noise matching the lighting
  17. Back to green clouds over section zoom (plan view shot of roof tops??) Or just oblique zoom. With different emily's doing different things
  18. Bird face initially slow and straight shot, then electrical charge and sweep camera round and blend out everything else so just face remains and then white
  19. charge into doorway zoom scene
  20. make the flicker more pronounced and stagger the zoom
  21. get rid of the layer which is making it dull
  22. Move to the end and and close up on Emiy's face
  23. Then zoom out of section dramatically downwards.
  24. Flicking light in bedroom mixed with more memories
  25. Door opening make the light and dark more pronounced
  26. Flick between view of door opening and brightened room
  27. Get rid of blue water scene
  28. Sort out zoom out
  29. Add particles to the zoom outs
  30. Brighten up shot as it zooms out to match brightening room, increase the flicker
  31. End bedroom with bird woman disappearing as room brightens
  32. Final shot up side of section, flashy, intercut with brighter and brighter bedroom
  33. Sort out music and sound

  1. Sort out colour on opening make it brighter and redder
  2. Re render out three emily scene so the camera is fixed and the zoom can be prolonged to show the detail in the space
  3. Make the red overlaid bedroom come first
  4. As she looks up in the red space
  5. She touches the mirror in the bedroom. THis is marked with a flash of light or something like that.
  6. The rest as is


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