Saturday 14 March 2009

Initial Tests for the Second Space: Learning to see

The viewer is lured into what it may be like to see for the first time. Only first making out light, then gradually distinguishing colour and form till finally, the object, scene and environment form relationships that make the experience whole.

Fan Test 7 from N Nivreen on Vimeo.

Only light and a vague rhythm are detectable.

Fan Test 4 from N Nivreen on Vimeo.

Colours and forms start to appear, movement is more defined. The vector lines express the manner in which the eye tries to decifer the information it is absorbing.

Fan Test 3 from N Nivreen on Vimeo.

Eariler version but with sound.

Fan Test 6 from N Nivreen on Vimeo.

The object is becoming recognisable but the light and movement are still difficult to measure.

Fan Test 8 from N Nivreen on Vimeo.

Potential transitional shot between gaze into dome at the end of the library space and the reveal at the end of the film in 'real' space

Original Fan footage 2 from N Nivreen on Vimeo.

One of the original fan renders from Cinema 4d

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