Tuesday 21 April 2009

In Practice

My starting point for the project was in the exploration of the subjectivity of space. A strong amateur interest in neuroscience has meant that I always approach projects from a perceptual view point: by asking what defines the space that we put architecture into rather than using the built object of architecture as the starting point.

My years work comprises of two projects which are different levels of investigation into the same subject. Although the aesthetic of the two differ to a large extent, the same intent drives both.
Both seek to explore the nature of subjective experience. In the first I explore subjective experience as a product of memory as well as becoming a creative and sometimes illusory experience.

The structure which an academic essay requires doesn't entirely match that of the practical design experience. The former requires a very logical progression of thought whereas the latter often requires illogical creative jumps to be made based on random findings, chance happenings while producing a drawing, animation or model or simply a new idea.

For the purpose of this thesis then, the practice element will not be entirely in sync with the theories of each chapter. Some come before, and went on to influence the later chapters, some come after the theoretical research, others have worked hand in hand as the ideas have progressed. I have chosen to represent my practical research chronologically. Like the premise of the essay, the progression of each idea has been based on the reflection of it after its completion thus leading to its next stage.

Through the use of the blog, I have been able to document my ideas chronologically as well as more importantly allowing me to reflect upon them after completion and share with others and receive feedback.

For each chapter I will sum up the progress of ideas in a diagram, showing the inputs , process and outputs. Quite a lot falls by the wayside but most ideas live on in some form.

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