Friday 10 April 2009

Storyboard breakdown and explanation

"I thought of a labyrinth of labyrinths, of one sinuous spreading labyrinth that would encompass the past and the future and in some way involve the stars"


1. An indistinct blurry, light shimmering form fills the screen, the click and whir of something can be heard, maybe a faint melody.

After Effects
  • Build fan, import to after effects, alter

2. A massive grey skeletal wall of hardened organic forms fills the screen.
Photoshop.After Effects.particular

  • Create image on photoshop from collage
  • Import to after effects, add dust with trapcode particular
nearly DONE to be finished
photoshop image 1

3. The shot zooms in on a patch of brightened area, a pinkish tendril like door with a girl standing before it.
Close shot of her face and then open shot in quick succession
Photoshop.After Effects.particular.footage
  • Comp footage of Emily into after effects scene
  • Dust with trapcode particular
  • Add lights to acheive depth of door
footage of Emily standing with her back to the camera 1

4. The new scene is a pair of eyes opening, looking down at strangely large hands on a duvet cover / blanket. The scene is very dark, the rest of the room is unviewable. The sense of the body of the protagonist is emphasised, all is silent but her breathing and heartbeat. When she breathes out, cold air forms little clouds.
footage.aftereffects for breath.particular for dust
  • Shoot footage of Emily in bed
  • Comp into after effects, add breath
  • Add distortion to hands
footage of Emily in bed 2
breath sfx 1

5. The girl is walking through the door, we see it is made from fleshy neural pieces. A sharp noise accompanies an electrical flash and explosion and the camera is sucked forward, light illuminating a corridor that grows before it.
Photoshop.After Effects.particular.footage
  • build 3d scene in after effects / cinema 4d into which the camera can be sucked
  • Add explosion / sparks / electricity in after effects
  • Add lights to acheive depth of door
photoshop image 3
explosion / electricity sfx 2

6. The scene is brighter, the room is made visible. It is a small, stark room with faded wallpaper, a window with the curtains drawn to the left of the bed, a door on the opposite wall which is slightly ajar, a sliver of silver light creating a line of light on the floor. At the end of the bed a woman sits completely still her head turned towards the window, her head is of a bird of some description. The atmosphere is sinister, the only sound is still the breathing of the protagonist.
The door is slowly moving letting the light spill across the floor revealing floorboards.
Cinema 4d.Photoshop.After Effects.particular.footage

  • Build 3d room in after effects
  • Build door and sliver of light in Cinema 4d (unless doable in after effects)
  • Shoot Emily, comp into after effects room, comp in birds head
Build room in after effects 1
Comp Emily with bird sfx 3

7. The light spill crosses the library shelves, revealing Emily reading a book from the shelves as she stands. Quick cut flash to the previous scene door opening. The tendrils are moving, creating more intricate shelf structures, that get higher and higher.
Photoshop.After Effects.particular.footage
  • Shoot Emily standing
  • Cinema 4d tendrils for close up
  • After effects for general scene
  • Photoshop collage for overall image of scene
Build room in after effects 2
Build tendrils in Cinema 4d 1

8. The bedroom is brighter and changed, the woman is gone, it is longer and the tendrils are growing up the walls in the shadows almost imperceptibly. The light dims and brightens, the scene blurs. She is moving, we hear the rustle of her clothes, the music surges slightly.
Cinema 4d.Photoshop.After Effects.particular.footage
  • After effects built room
  • Cinema 4d tendrils comped in
  • After effects sfx
Alter room in after effects 1
Tendrils in Cinema 4d 2

9. The corridor is altered, grander, stronger, more complex. Emily looks upward and the camera follows her gaze. An electrical pulse is bringing the the building to life. It is stories and stories high of flying buttresses heavy with the stucco of moving cerebral tissue laden with books.
Photoshop.After Effects.particular.footage
  • Comp footage of Emily into after effects scene
  • Dust with trapcode particular
  • Add lights to acheive depth of door
Alter room in after effects 2
Cinema 4d silhouettes 2
Explosion sfx 2

10. Likewise the bedroom is much bigger now and brighter still, the wallpaper has been replaced by plain white walls the curtains are a different colour and a vase of flowers sits on the chair at the end of the bed. The view is from someone standing and walking. The chopping noise of the fan is still audible.
Photoshop.After Effects.
  • Build scene in after effects
Alter room in after effects 3

11. On the beat of the chopping noise the camera flies out of the top of the building revealing a bizarre landscape of a massive building that is growing. There are staircases that stop midway through poking out the top of the building, archways to nowhere, light and sparks flicker across is illuminating it as it does so.
Photoshop.After Effects.particular.Cinema 4d
  • Photoshop image
  • After effects comp with trapcode
  • Cinema 4d for silhouette of shapes, distance
Photoshop image 4
Cinema 4d silhouettes 3

12/ The curtains are blowing in the wind, the fan whirs, she is moving, the blurry chop of the all the rhythm abstracting to the next scene. Her breathing is faster.
Cinema 4d.After Effects.particular

  • Curtains in Cinema 4d
  • After effects for sfx
Cinema 4d curtains 4

13. To the pulse of her breathing the shot expands out showing electricity spreading in all directions revealing a larger and larger landscape, the centre illuminated and spreading its light.
Photoshop.After Effects.particular.footage. Cinema 4d
  • Photoshop image
  • Cinema 4d model of this for depth shot
  • Comped in After effects with lights sfx etc
Photoshop image 5
Cinema 4d curtains 5

14. The camera pulls out jerkily to reveal that it is the pupil of Emily's eye. There is no sound. There is a flash of her facing herself in the mirror her hand against the glass. Black to light
Photoshop.After Effects.particular.footage.
  • Footage of Emily looking in mirror
  • Comped into aftereffects built room
  • Comped in After effects with lights sfx etc
Alter room in after effects 4

15. She is in a vast mirrored hall that encircles her like a strange optical effect but she is in it. It envelops her. There is a light at one end of it, a grand hall.
Photoshop.After Effects.particular.footage. NEEDS TO BE FIGURED OUT!
  • Photoshop image
  • Cinema 4d model of this for depth shot
  • Comped in After effects with lights sfx etc
Photoshop image 6
Cinema 4d 6

16. She is facing herself in the mirror, the room is illuminating around her, the curtains blow harder, the door is opening she remains facing herself.
Photoshop.After Effects.particular.footage.
  • Footage of Emily looking in mirror
  • Comped into aftereffects built room
  • Comped in After effects with lights sfx etc
Photoshop image 7
Cinema 4d 7
Alter room in after effects 5

17. She is now below a massive dome, immensely detailed with moving growing parts, the walls below flanked with golden books. The camera moves further and further into the dome, the chop of the fan becomes louder
Photoshop.After Effects.particular.footage. NEEDS TO BE FIGURED OUT!
  • Footage of Emily looking up
  • Comped into aftereffects built room
  • Comped in After effects with lights sfx etc
Photoshop image 8
Cinema 4d 8

18. She is lying looking up at the fan, the air is bright and warm, the fan merges with the cathedral/library space.
Photoshop.After Effects.particular.footage. NEEDS TO BE FIGURED OUT!
  • Comped into aftereffects built room
  • Comped in After effects with lights sfx etc
Photoshop image 9
Cinema 4d 9

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