Friday 10 April 2009

Latest incarnation of film...

Key words: Embodiment, symbiotic evolving loop between subject and environment, self awareness, intersubjectivity.

Viewing the mind and consciousness as an potentially infinite set of possible architectures defined by the feedback between experience and process. The film explores this feedback and the relationship between the world experienced by the subject, and the internal mental map produced by the brain that represents the real world and is formed by the sensory information from it. When the information from the world is fed into the internal mental map it alters it (plasticity) thus changing how the next batch of information is perceived.

In this film, to highlight these processes the protagonist is ill, suffering from amnesia, unable to properly recognise her surroundings as she has lost her internal mental map and thus the probability of all forms of reality are equally viable to her mind. The random interference and noise we all experience are unfiltered and take equal precedence in importance and validity.

This film is about her recovery, the rebuilding of her brain and the subsequent rediscovery of the complex structure which represents her internal mental map, the sum of her life's experiences. The building therefore already exists, but has lain in ruin after her accident, grey and dead and dark and invisible.

As she awakens for the first time from a long sleep she opens her eyes and the sensory stimulation stirs her mind, memory and previously known truths. The skeleton that is her mind building starts to grow and rebuild and work once again, absorbing sensory information, processing, adding to the building, re assembling the knowledge, reconfiguring, updating, adapting itself to the new probabilities.

Likewise her bedroom, shifts and alters from the surreal to the normal and beautifully banal. The pivotal point of the film is when she encounters herself in her mirror and reaches out to touch her hand against the glass. The mirror stage as described by Lacan is key developmental stage in a human's understanding of their position within the world; the identification of the self as other as distinct from the environment as a subject. Likewise in the past 20 years 'mirror neurons' have been discovered by neuroscientists, cells that fire when an animal / human observes another or self doing the same action that they are undertaking.

From this point the reality she experiences becomes more beautiful but more real. From the minute to the gargantuan lonliness of the universe the building loops and for one shocking moment as she looks in the mirrror we see her in both places, realising that they are one and the same, albeit different incarnations of each other. The camera moves into the pupil of her eye as the transition

As she absorbs the room, switching on the light, breathing deeply, opening the curtains wide, in the library, the room expands further and further, revealing a massive renaissance building in a dynamic state, brightening like the room, the pulsing of the organic forms in rhythm with her hearbeat and breathing from the 'real space'.

She moves through the space under the cuppola towards a brightly shining exit.
In the bedroom she moves towards the door, the same brightness ensues. Fades to reveal an actively altering corridor which looks strangely like the library...

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